Lidia Nester
Sexual Energy Workshop
Orlando, FL Saturday, November 13th and Sunday 14th from 2:00 to 8:00 pm.
Individuals or couples
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This training is for those who want to heal their life, be more creative, connect with their inner wisdom and walk the path to transcendence.
It is a gift that you give yourself so that through the activation and management of your sexual energy, you achieve better health on all levels, physical, mental, and spiritual.
It consists of two sessions: Saturday, October, 30th and Sunday 31st from 2:00 to 8:00 pm.
What will we do?
This workshop is completely practical, we will do physical, mental, and spiritual work aimed at reconnecting with the sexual energy that lies within you.
We hope that throughout this you will:
• Awake and connect with the sacred-sexual energy channels in your body.
• Discover and raise awareness of possible blockages that are preventing your sexual energy from manifesting.
• Celebrate your Sacred Feminine and your Sacred Masculine.
• Reconnect with your personal power and your inner wisdom.
What will we not do?
• Use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
• Sex or group sex.
• Nudism.

How to know if this
is for you?
• You feel that things are not flowing in your life.
• You feel like you could accomplish more, but something unidentified is stopping you.
• You don't feel pleasure (or enough) in sexual intercourse.
• You think that sex can be better.
• Does not identify you with your sexuality.
• You don't love or accept your body.
• You want to do something new or different with your life.
• You feel like you have no control over your life.
• You are dissatisfied with your life.
• You want to heal.
• You want to evolve as a person.
• You want to develop your spirituality
If you answer positively to one or more of these questions, this workshop is definitely for you.
There will be exercises, voluntary exchange of experiences, and spiritual coaching throughout the event.
Our world is hurt because the forces that gave rise to existence are out of balance. It can be healed with the love born from the sacred dance between the Feminine and the Masculine.
Join us to heal the world, creating a greater cosmic consciousness.
Be part of the international movement for conscious sexuality.
"An unforgettable experience. It changed my life and the way I perceive myself and how I treat myself.
I can't wait to move on to the next seminar.."
R. Meyer
Celebrate, Discover, Shine
Sexual energy is the most powerful energy.
Do you feel sad, failed, lonely or your life is not how you want it to be?
You may be disconnected from your sexual energy.
I invite you to discover the being that you really are,
opening the energetic stream that lies within you.
In two magical encounters
you will be able to discover the essence of your being and move towards your realization.
You are sacred, your sexuality is sacred.
I invite you to reconnect with your sexual energy,
walking the path that will transform your life.

In addition to offering practical knowledge in the area of healing, our comprehensive training will allow you to heal and evolve towards new states of consciousness so that you generate wonderful opportunities in the different existential spaces (health, relationships, profession and finances).
By connecting with your true calling and purpose, you will discover the deep meaning of your existence.
The path to enlightenment is possible, join us to walk it;